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Expertly teaching implantology to the dentists of tomorrow

Healthcare Matters is always looking to showcase companies exceeding expectations and this month is no different. We are delighted to honour VSSAcademy with our Company of the Month Award for services in private implant dentistry.

VSSAcademy provides a pathway of implant training for registered private dentists practicing across the UK. Established in 2002 by renowned oral surgeon Dr Fadi Barrak, the Academy is now based across Coventry, Birmingham, Glasgow and London. Dr Fadi Barrak is a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) and Senior Lecturer at The University of Lancashire. As course lead for the MSc Clinical Implantology and the Certificate in Implant Dentistry, he is responsible for the cutting-edge curriculum content. The MSc comes so highly recommended that places fill up quickly, Alan Goldie Managing Director confirms, “Our courses offer comprehensive up-to-date training in implant dentistry. We recommend early bird 2023 applications now as our intake is filling up quickly!”

Alan Goldie, Managing Director, VSSAcademy

The MSc runs across two academic years on a part-time basis allowing registered dentists to balance clinic work with further studying. Hybrid learning is offered throughout the UK and Ireland with a fully blended learning curriculum.

With expert supervised teaching and clinical patient surgeries, dentists leave the course with an MSc in Clinical Implantology from UCLan. The MSc has received rave reviews from previous students like Ashish Pandit, “The course has great faculty members and I had heard great reviews from other professional colleagues. The part-time nature of the course allowed me to navigate clinical practice with further specialised knowledge of implants.”

VSSAcademy provides the knowledge modules from hand-picked faculty associates and UCLan partners with the latest clinical trial research and academic journal reviews to inspire dissertation choices. It is the perfect professional collaboration and with the personal touch that VSSAcademy offers students are well looked after. Alan Goldie explains why pastoral care is so important to the students, “We want to create a lifelong connection with our Postgraduate students. Universities are often blindsided by their own business philosophies. Students can become an anonymous number in a well-oiled machine. We offer personalised mentoring from industry experts to help students get the most out of their studies. Maria Negro is our wonderful dedicated postgraduate student support manager who supports our students’ wellbeing.”

Undergraduate dentistry pupils have now been given the exclusive opportunity to study a short course on Medicine for the Dental Professional usually only reserved for second year MSc students. It is this ability to think outside the box by offering bespoke courses that has afforded VSSAcademy an excellent dynamic reputation within the industry. The nature of implant surgery requires access to human tissue and students are lucky enough to have access to a specialist unit at University of Warwickshire & Coventry to learn and practice surgical skills in a safe environment.

This clinical access ensures that VSSAcademy is at the forefront of medical and digital changes in implant surgery providing students with the latest vanguard technology.

Furthermore, clinicians have access to a three-day cadaver course on complex surgical implant procedures. Dr Martyn Cox recently completed the cadaver course and was astounded by the volume of content covered across three days, “We had access to sinus lifts and grafting and were able to successfully plant three implants in situ across two days!”

Dentists that have been restoring implants for years often come on the cadaver course and are inspired by complex case placing. The course gave Dr Nicola Ritchie a new ‘thirst for knowledge.’

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is essential in dentistry to enable dentist professionals to offer a full range of surgical expertise and VSSAcademy offers a leading certified pathway for the dentists of the future.

For more information on the MSc, Certificate and Three-day course, please contact Alan Goldie:
T 020 80128400